Structured Illumination Microscopy


本文旨在归纳总结“结构光照明超分辨显微成像技术(SIM)”相关的文献,对相应工作做简单的介绍。其中会包含关于 SIM 的综述文章,系统搭建以及图像算法的内容,希望对大家有所帮助。




  • Structured illumination microscopy for super-resolution and optical sectioning, 国内中科院西安光机所写的综述文章,写得十分详细;

    Dan, D., Yao, B., & Lei, M. (2014). Structured illumination microscopy for super-resolution and optical sectioning. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(12), 1291–1307.

  • Frontiers in structured illumination microscopy, 提到了近些年出现的实现 SIM 新的方案,包括基于表面等离激元的 PSIM;

    Aminski, C. L. F. K. (2016). Frontiers in structured illumination microscopy, 3(6).

  • Super-Resolution Structured Illumination Microscopy, Rainer Heintzmann 大佬写的综述文章;

    Heintzmann, R., & Huser, T. (2017). Super-Resolution Structured Illumination Microscopy. Chemical Reviews, 117(23), 13890–13908.

另外,我还找到一个类似的项目挂在 Github 上,有兴趣可以看,SIM-Collection.


结构光照明成像其实包含两部分内容:光学层析 (optical section) 和 超分辨成像 (Super-resolution)。最早用条纹结构光做光学层析的应该是 Neil 等人,

Neil MAA, Juskaitis R, Wilson T (1997) Method of obtaining optical sectioning by using structured light in a conventional microscope. Opt Lett 22:1905–1907

后来 Heintzmann 在某个会议上提到了用光栅衍射来实现分辨率的提高,

Heintzmann R, Cremer C G. Laterally modulated excitation microscopy: improvement of resolution by using a diffraction grating[C]//Optical Biopsies and Microscopic Techniques III. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1999, 3568: 185-197.

而后 Gustaffson 等人分别提出了2D和3D成像的SIM,

Gustafsson M G L. Surpassing the lateral resolution limit by a factor of two using structured illumination microscopy[J]. Journal of microscopy, 2000, 198(2): 82-87.

Gustafsson M G L, Shao L, Carlton P M, et al. Three-dimensional resolution doubling in wide-field fluorescence microscopy by structured illumination[J]. Biophysical journal, 2008, 94(12): 4957-4970.


以下列出一些利用某些器件搭建 SIM 系统的文章

  • Grating

    L. Wang, M. C. Pitter, M. G. Somekh, Wide-field high-resolution struc- tured illumination solid immersion fluorescence microscopy., Optics letters 36 (15) (2011) 2794–2796. doi:10.1364/OL.36.002794.

  • Diffractive optical elements (DOEs)

    Rodriguez, P. F. G., Sepulveda, E., Dubertret, B., & Loriette, V. (2008). Axial coding in full-field microscopy using three-dimensional structured illumination implemented with no moving parts. Optics Letters, 33(14), 1617–1619.

  • Spatial light modulator (SLM), 目前大部分高性能的 SIM 成像系统都是基于此机器,相关文章比较多,另列在后面,这里仅列出最早使用 SLM 搭建 SIM 系统的文章

    Chang, B.-J., Chou, L.-J., Chang, Y.-C., & Chiang, S.-Y. (2009). Isotropic image in structured illumination microscopy patterned with a spatial light modulator. Optics Express, 17(17), 14710.

  • Digital micro-mirror device (DMD)

    Dan, D., Lei, M., Yao, B., Wang, W., Winterhalder, M., Zumbusch, A., … Zhao, W. (2013). DMD-based LED-illumination Super-resolution and optical sectioning microscopy. Scientific Reports, 3, 1–7.

  • 还有基于SOI芯片、石墨烯、等离子体效应的纳米结构等 (以后再详细分……)

    Liu, Y., Wang, C., Nemkova, A., Hu, S.-M., Li, Z.-Y., & Yu, Y.-D. (2016). Structured Illumination Chip Based on Integrated Optics. Chinese Physics Letters, 33(5), 054204.

    Wei, F., Lu, D., Shen, H., Wan, W., Ponsetto, J. L., Huang, E., & Liu, Z. (2014). Wide field super-resolution surface imaging through plasmonic structured illumination microscopy. Nano Letters, 14(8), 4634–4639.


分享一篇写得很详细的算法文章,总结了传统 SIM 图像重构方面所涉及到的内容,包括 TIRF-SIM.

A. Lal, C. Shan, P. Xi, Structured illumination microscopy im- age reconstruction algorithm, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics PP (99) (2016) 1–1. arXiv:1602.06904, doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2016.2521542.
